We all know the feeling of not being able to concentrate, to postpone things and make up excuses. For example: “Oh I just have to send one more email and then I can get back to work” or “I just wanna check what people are saying on Facebook and then I can continue”. I am the biggest procrastinator and since I work from home I tend to jump in my housewife suit and start doing the dishes instead of making an important phone-call or I will start washing my clothes when I should be writing an article.
Below you find a video by one of my favorite filmmakers Miranda July, where she gives a great advice to us that  are easily distracted.
Miranda July has written, directed and starred in two Feature films, ‘You and me and Everyone We Know‘ and ‘The Future‘(This video is actually a deleted scene from that movie). July is also a wonderful artist and her videos, performances, and web-based projects have been presented at sites such as the Museum of Modern Art, the Guggenheim Museum and in two Whitney Biennials.

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