Marinated Mushrooms
I hosted a dinner party for wonderful friends last Friday, were we served tapas (not all the dishes were Spanish, but they were all small and there was many of them) and some ice cold Cava filled our glasses. To make it easy for myself I decided to have many of the dishes served cold, so I could prepare most of the food in advance. One of the things I made were these Gordon Ramsey marinated mushrooms.
Super fresh and delicious Marinated Mushrooms. They can be made days in advance – the longer they wait the tastier they become!
Ingredients: Button Mushroom (you know just the regular old fashioned mushrooms) Shallots Olive oil White wine vinegar Tarragon (Estragon) 1. Heat the pan on high heat until it is almost smoking 2. Drop the cleaned mushrooms on the super hot and dry pan 3. Let them fry on high heat until the are golden brown (if you lower the heat the mushrooms will boil in their own water and we don’t want that) 4. When the mushrooms are nice and brown, throw in the chopped shallots and give the pan a good shake 5. Pour a dash of white wine vinegar a around the outside of the pan (so you don’t boil the mushroom) and let it find its way to the middle 6. Let the vinegar dissolve and then finish the vinaigrette by adding a dash of nice olive oil 7. Give the pan a nice shake and let the oil heat up 8. Pour the mushroom vinaigrette into a bowl and cut some fresh tarragon (estragon) and mix it in the hot mixture. 9. Let it cool and than place in the fridge and let it marinate for minimum of 1 day and maximum of 4.