I served this Peach Sorbet for a friend who took one bite, looked at me and said “this is a grown-up dessert”.
It’s a little spicy, not too sweet and the thyme syrup adds a subtle earthiness. Yes Please!
There are more than 2,000 varieties of peaches. To find the best peach, first take a whiff: a ripe peach should be sweetly fragrant. Next give the peach a gentle squeeze: a ripe peach won’t be too hard; it should be soft to the squeeze.
Keep in mind that the color of a peach tells more about what variety it is than its maturity or ripeness. So don’t assume the best peach has a peachy color; it could be more white or greenish white than peach colored. (source: Harvest to Table)
This Peach Sorbet Recipe with Ginger is a quick solution for making a summer dessert that kicks ass. It is fresh and packed with flavor!
– Pour a little champagne over a scoop of the sorbet and you have a perfect pallet cleanser between dinner courses.
– Serve it with a rich Chocolate Pie to add lightness and freshness.
– Or have it for breakfast or dinner on a hot, hot summer day – it’s that good!
If sorbet isn’t your preferred summer treat, how about a cherry ice cream or Banana Ice Cream instead?
Or, you could keep it simple and make my popular Peach and Thyme Cocktail – Cheers!

Recipe: Peach and Ginger Sorbet
*Ginger Syrup RecipeIngredients
- 1kg / 4-5 cups Peaches, pitted peeled and cut into pieces
- 100 g (3,5 oz) Ginger
- 1,5 dl (1/2 cup) Ginger Syrup*
- 4 tbsp. Lemon Juice
- Place peeled, pitted and cut peaches into a blender along with ginger and ginger syrup. Spin until smooth
- Then strain the fruit mixture and add lemon juice
- Churn for few minutes in a ice cream maker and then pour into a freezer safe container and freeze for few hours.

Recipe: Thyme Syrup
- 1 Cup Water
- 3/4 Cup Sugar
- 8 Fresh Thyme Sprigs
- Place water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a simmer and let cook until sugar is completely dissolved.
- Add the thyme sprigs and let steep until the syrup is completely cold. Then strain and discard thyme
- Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to a week