Picking out the perfect Christmas Tree is one of my favorite things for the Holidays. I will seriously look at ALL the trees before making up my mind. Luckily my husband has the best eye for good trees and he usually ends up having picked the perfect tree after two minutes. (I still have him keep looking before agreeing to his choice. ha!)
This year Prince is super excited for the Holidays even tough he doesn’t quite understand all the fuzz. But he sure is into the holiday tunes and he even has his very own tiny little tree in his bedroom. It so adorable.
No tree is 100% perfect and you always have to do some trimming. Some people choose to do it on the spot where they purchase their tree, but I highly recommend you wait until you get home. Set the tree in the foot an look at it for a while. That way you can better see which branches need to be cut off.
So, finally we come to the point of this blog post – what to do with all those cut off branches? DIY Mini Wreaths is the answer!
As you know I am not a DIY person and not handy at all (let’s not forget the awful piping job I did on my Gingerbread House Recipe) so these wreaths are as easy as they gets. You simple bend the branch, form a circle and tie together with a ribbon of you choice. I hang mine on my kitchen cabinets, door knobs and if I have many I hang them in different hight levels in my windows. And the prettiest thing is to put them on Holiday Presents, just slip them under the bow and you have suddenly transformed a simple wrapping into something spectacular.
Driving with a Tree on top of the car is one of the most American things I know. It’s like living in an American Holiday Movie and I’m so into it!
Prince insisted to help carry the tree exactly like this, because that is how the Man in the Yellow Hat and Curious George carry their tree in A Very Monkey Christmas 🙂
I like to hand my wreaths all over the house – on door knobs, kitchen cabinets, in the windows. They are so cute and decorative.
You can also slip a DIY Mini Wreath under the bow of the presents you are wrapping to transform a simple wrapping into something spectacular.